

青團 Sweet Green Rice Ball

清明時節, 江南一帶有吃青團子的風俗習慣。 青團子是用艾葉(也可以用其他綠色菜葉代替)搗爛後擠壓出汁, 接著取用這種汁同晾乾後的水磨純糯米粉拌勻揉和,

然後開始製作團子。 團子的餡心是用細膩的糖豆沙製成。

The sweet green rice ball is a Qingming Festival (Tomb Sweeping Day) food popular in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces. It is also a must-have offering at ancestral rituals in the south of the Yangtze River.

Like glutinous rice dumpling, Qingtuan is made from glutinous rice and stuffed with red bean paste. The difference is that squeezed wormwood orbrome grass is used in the making of wrapper.

(滬江君:青團油綠如玉, 糯韌綿軟, 清香撲鼻, 吃起來甜而不膩。 雖然青團今年也漲價了, 但是青團的銷售期就只有清明前後一個月左右的時間, 所以愛吃甜食的童鞋們抓緊時間咯!)