

根據一項美國研究, 十六歲之前有初次性行為的女性, 長大後, 比起其他女性更容易離婚。

There might be a new argument to try when convincing your teen to wait to have sex. According to the a study conducted by the University of Iowa, women who lost their virginity in their young teens are more likely to divorce.

這可能可以幫助你說服十幾歲的孩子保持童貞。 根據一項美國愛荷華大學的研究, 在十幾歲就失貞的女性更容易離婚。

The study, published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, surveyed the responses of 3,793 women and found that 31 percent who lost their virginity as teens divorced within five years, and 47 percent divorced within 10 years. On the flip side, the divorce rate for women who had waited to have sex was only 15 percent at the five year mark, and 27 percent by the time 10 years rolled around.

這項發表於《婚姻與家庭期刊》的研究調查了3793名女性, 結果發現31%在十幾歲就失貞的女性結婚不到五年就會離婚, 十年內離婚的則有47%。 而另一邊發生性行為較晚的女性五年內的離婚率則只有15%, 10年內這一比例也不過27%。

But the study also found that a first sexual experience before the age of 16 -- wanted or not -- was still strongly associated with divorce.

該研究也同樣發現, 十六歲之前就有初次性行為的, 不論是自願還是被迫,


Of course early sexual experiences can have lasting effects on relationships later in life. So it's not surprising that with 42 percent of participants claiming their first sexual experience before the age of 18 wasn't completely wanted, that it could affect them in their adult life.

顯然過早的性行為會對以後人生中的男女關係產生重大的影響。 因此當18歲前就已經有過性經驗的女性中有42%都說並非完全自願時, 這對其成人後生活會有何種影響也就不言而喻了。

The study's author, Anthony Paik, said in a press release that one explanation for his findings is, "If the sex was not completely wanted or occurred in a traumatic context, it's easy to imagine how that could have a negative impact on how women might feel about relationships, or on relationship skills. The experience could point people on a path toward less stable relationships."

這樣研究的作者Anthony Paik在新聞稿中說這種現象的原因之一是“如果初次性經驗並非女性自願或者還造成了外傷, 那這些女性對男女關係以及如何相處方面的負面觀感也就不難理解了。 這樣的體驗可能會把人們引到一條不太穩定的婚戀關係之路。 ”

The study did not examine the divorce rates for men who lost their virginity in their teens, but Paik said he thinks it would make an interesting follow up.

這些研究並沒有調查成年前就失貞的男性的離婚率, 但Paik表示這將是一個很有意思的後續研究。